Blog updates

We are powering through to the end of the term. The children have been working hard in all learning areas. Below are a few notes. If there are any questions after reading please contact me. 


Many children are saying that they don’t get time to revise their sight words at home. We understand that life is busy, however, revision of sight words should take no longer than 5 minutes per day. Try revising sight words while eating breakfast, waiting in the car or waiting at the school gate. The expectation by this time of the year is that children know most of their gold, red and blue words. Due to the easing of COVID restrictions, we are now happy to have sight word folders brought back into the classroom in the blue folder.

When revising sight words, if your child doesn’t know the word tell them and then ask them to repeat it back to you.  Go back to this word at the end. 

Game Ideas to enhance sight word recognition 

  • My pile your pile, write the focus sight words on individual scraps of paper. Ask your child the word, if they get the word correct it goes in their pile, incorrect it goes in your pile. The winner is the person with the most cards.
  • Memory match, write the words on individual cards. Place words face down on the table. Children turn over the words and read the word. If they turn over two words that match they keep those words.

If you have any questions regarding the sight word program, please feel free to send me an email.

Home readers.

 Just a reminder your child’s home reader will come home on a Wednesday or Thursday. Please return these on Mondays as they are needed for our in class guided reading.  I have included a link to some great digital readers that will further enhance your child’s reading.  The local shire library also has some great simple readers that you an access for free. 

Box construction for Science.

In Science/Technology and Enterprise the children are required to complete a project in class that relates to our science topic of ‘The way objects move’. Children are asked to bring in some boxes and or clean containers. We would love to have these boxes by Tuesday 23rd June.

Enjoy this lovely sunny Sunday. 

Working hard during guided reading 

Golden time 

Our class bucket filler reward- cupcake making 

Deciding on what delicious decorations to add to our cupcakes 

Maths doubles games 

Science time 


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