End of term 3

Room 9 end of term 3 blog 

Wattle Day Week 
6 September 1st was National Wattle Day and the students participated in many different activities to celebrate the native plant namesake for our school. Thank you to families that shared some small clippings of Wattle from your gardens.

 Sports Carnival Week 7 
What a wonderful day the Sports Carnival was and we are so proud of everyone involved for making it such a memorable day for the students. Thank you to parents and families for coming along to show your support. 

Maths and Science Day Week 9 Also in Week 10, teachers will had a focus on encouraging and inspiring students in Maths and Science! Hands-on activities were delivered to help develop students’ critical thinking skills, as well as foster a sense of fun and engagement in these vital learning areas! 

STEM Learning Journey Week 10 - 
The students worked hard to plan and create their sun chimes (combination wind chime and sun catcher) within their Physical Sciences topic of Light and Sound. Thank you to parents for helping supply materials. The students presented a 2 minute oral presentation on their projects in class. It was so lovely to see the students proudly showing their process and product at the learning journey. 

Literacy Phonics:
Students have been learning to read the long and short sounds for ea (such as dream or bread), as well as ee (tree).
 Spelling: The different sounds of er have been explored, such as er as in germ, and er (uh) as in father. In weeks 10 we practised  ir as in bird and or as in thorn. Students practice spelling daily in class, but an extra 5 minutes at home each night will help them to consolidate their learning and stay in their long term memories. 
Writing: Diring term 3 students worked  hard to master the structure of persuasive texts and be able to express their opinion on different topics. Their opinion needs to be supported by three strong reasons to help convince the reader. Some students are already practising the language techniques of global statements, rhetorical questions, false statistics and call to action, which help to engage and connect with their readers. Wow, what a great effort! 

Maths This term we have been looking at informal units of measure relating to capacity, mass and area. We have also learnt about halves and quarters as fraction, and how to using position words such as ‘I came third in the running race’. Why not ask your child some of the following questions so they can apply at home what they’ve learned this term in Measurement and Geometry. Which object is heavier or lighter? Which object has the greater capacity? What is the area of your bed, measured in your favourite picture book? Can you show me half of your sandwich? If I cut this apple into quarters, how many equal parts will I have? Which position did you come in the running race/team game at the sports carnival? 

Starting Term 4 our blogs will be switching over to Connect and can only be accessed with a student specific login and password. If you are unsure of your child’s Connect login details, please let me know.  

Over the school holidays it is important for students to rest and recover from a term of hard work and dedication to their learning. Please encourage them to read over the holidays and ask them questions to check they are understanding the content. All the very best for a safe and happy spring holiday break!


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