week 3 some updates

Blog week 3
It is so wonderful to see the children's cheery faces returning to school over the last few days. We are all excited to be getting back into a normal routine. We thank all the parents for the work they did in supporting their child's learning whilst at home. We have seen some wonderful progress in many children.
In order to minimise contact of items from home to school, we have made some slight changes to your child's homework.
Sight word folders:
These word folders will now be for use at home and do not need to be returned to school on a weekly basis. We will use a duplicate copy in class. Children's recognition of learnt sight words will still be tested weekly in class. To support their learning of these words it is important that you revise the sight words each day. Move through one list at a time before progressing to the next.
Just for  this week (3) please send in your child's sight word folder so we can prepare this to be used at home.
In class your child has been taught all golden and red words, with a focus now on blue words and beyond. If your child has not yet mastered golden and red words, please continue to support them with learning these.
Home readers:
Each child will take home one book per week. These books will usually come home on a Wednesday or Thursday after they have been read in class.  It is very important that this reading book is returned back to school every Monday as it is needed for other students in class.
There will be two different types of books coming home. The orange books are decodable books ( the children can sound out these words). The other books ( keylinks) use sight words to assist reading and focus on answering comprehension questions. These books have some suggested comprehension  questions that you can ask your child during reading.
Additional homework activities.
If you are looking for some additional activities for your child you could use the following;
  • Study Ladder- logins were emailed to you.
  • The fast five literacy and fast five numeracy that were in the week 1/2 Home Learning Packages. These can be used to revise key literacy and numeracy concepts.
  • Encourage children to write the golden and red words in short sentences.

If you have any questions or concerns please get in contact.
Thank you for supporting your child's learning.


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