
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bird house

Bird House   This term in Design and Technologies, the children will be working on a very exciting project. They will be required to design and build a bird home. This will be completed in class.   We are looking for donations of materials that the children can choose from to make their bird house. Such as offcuts of timber, plywood, mdf, pine etc. We would also appreciate donations of nails and screws. All donations need to be sent into school by Monday 3rd August  (start of week 3). Please be assured that we will be following safety procedures when working with the wood/materials. Closer to the building of the bird houses, we will be asking interested parents to come and assist.   Thank you for your support, and we look forward to sharing our wonderful creations with you. Pre-primary Teachers.

Welcome to term 3

Welcome to Term 3. We are excited about the return of many school events such as assemblies and sports carnivals. It is set to be a busy, but exciting term with many great events on. Please keep the Term 3 Planner handy and read blog posts.  Term 3 commences for students  on  Tuesday 21st July .  We look forward to seeing all students and hearing about their holidays. Please remember to return all black portfolios that were sent home .  Term 2 review.   Literacy .  Phonics - We introduced vowels, double consonants, and initial blend sounds this term. Students are expected to recognise the sound, identify and generate words orally that contain them, and read decodable words containing them. As a form of extension, when ready, students will begin spelling words containing blends.  Here are our new phonics rules; Short Vowels:  Say the letter sound. Like a as in apple, e as in egg. Long Vowels:  Say the letter...